Specific instructions for Android devices.
In Windows 7 the Bluetooth drivers are already installed and you can access a variety of options clicking on the small arrow in the taskbar and then on the Bluetooth icon (the icon is present if the bluetooth is active).
Follow these steps:
1. Make sure the Bluetooth of your computer is active (some laptops have a switch or a combination of keys).
2. From the phone address book, choose a contact and in the options select Send via Bluetooth. Follow the instructions: usually you are prompted to search for the computer.
3. From your PC accept the transfer: the vcard will usually show up in Documents\Bluetooth Exchange Folder.
Follow these steps:
1. Make sure the Bluetooth of your phone is active.
2. In vCardOrganizer from the menu File select Browse Folder to access the vCard files.
3. Select the vCards you want to transfer and then right click. From the context menu select Send To and then Bluetooth and follow the instructions.
Since Windows Xp Bluetooth drivers exhibit many problems, we suggest the installation of the Widcomm drivers that are more robust and efficient.
Make sure that the "Let other Bluetooth devices discover this computer" option is checked (usually Widcomm drivers have it checked by default).
Run "Find Me" in your Mobile settings. Once the connection has been established,
open "My Bluetooth Places" Explorer, double click on "Entire Bluetooth
Neighborhood" and double click on your Mobile Icon. Right click on "OBEX Object
Push" and select Properties. On the Received Business Cards panel set "Save to
Folder" option.
Follow these steps:
1. From your address book choose a contact and send it to the connected Bluetooth device
2. From your PC accept the transfer. The vcard will show up in My Bluetooth Places\Bluetooth Exchange Folder.
Follow these steps:
1. Drag & Drop vcf files to your Mobile Phone Icon in My Bluetooth Places\Entire Bluetooth Neighborhood
2. From your Mobile Phone accept the transfer.